Medicare has put out their reimbursement schedules for 2013. DB Management configures these reimbursement schedules for the Behavioral Health Community and has them available for sale. These schedules are calculated according to allowable, expectation of payment from Medicare and secondary or client responsibility. The new CPT codes are included in these schedules along with Office EM codes that physicians and other prescribers will have to use. These are available by sending us an email and requesting them. If you would like one for your state and location, please contact our office via email at [email protected]. Updates to these schedules for 2013 due to a rollback that will not occur until probably February will be provided at no extra cost. Just an FYI the new Crisis Intervention codes are not covered by Medicare, however they are covered by some insurers. Please feel free to leave a comment or a question in the comment section and we will get back to you.